Priest might be an insufferable ass, but his mere presence made all kinds of fantasies run riot. No gay man alive could resist that offer. Not to mention give him the extra dose of courage he needed for the sheet-gripping sex he knew these two would deliver.įrom the moment Priest had picked up the phone tonight, Robbie had been hard, and when Julien had flat-out told him that they wanted him- Robbie Bianchi-naked in between them? Forget it. It was a place Robbie knew he’d enjoy a whole damn lot if he could get rid of the niggling voice in the back of his head, and the final drink should help with that. God, it was a rush to be caught in the middle of them. His eyes fastened on Robbie like some sort of tractor beam. He could feel Julien’s eyes on his ass as he went, so Robbie made sure to add an extra swing to his hips, and every now and then, when people shifted a certain way, the lights flashed up and he caught sight of Priest standing where he’d been since entering the club. But as he weaved his way through the dancers on the floor, his mission was clear: find Elliot.

I can’t believe I’m fucking doing this, Robbie thought. Anyone who doesn’t love Starship scares me.